Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos - CECLA/UCHILE - Cosecha : [276] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 276
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Images, representations and social themes in Chilean cinema from 2010 to 2020: Reseña de Estéticas del desajuste. Cine chileno 2010-2020 Iván Pinto y Carolina Urrutia Neno (eds.) Metales Pesados Ediciones, 2022, 248 pp.-
-Saving the nation from barbarism. Notes on the survival of racism in Argentina at the turn of the century-
-Foucault and the moral monster. Brief notes on the economy of punitive power-
-The outside of the law: Rhetorical and emotive aspects on monstrous erotics-
-Créditos y sumario-
-A spirit without mud. Andrés Bello and the critique of materialism in Latin America-
-Martina Barros Borgoño. The transition from translator to author. Strategies of an intellectual to install the feminist debate in nineteenth-century Chile-
-Collecting and feminism? Luisa Lynch del Solar (1855-1937) and her role as a collector of Japanese art in Chile at the beginning of the XXth century-
-A silence that is a rhythm and is danced, cried and sung to the sound of cumbia: Reseña de Pino Luna, Nayareth. Mientras dormías, cantabas. Santiago, Los libros de la mujer rota, 2021, 204 páginas-
-afrodescendencia en Chile Pedro Subercaseaux: mediator between three centuries or a brushstroke of Afro-descendants in Chile-
-Military Marriage License. The marriage of free soldiers in the chilean independence period-
-Space and feminine as symbols of the ideal nation in La Negra Rosalía de Justo Abel Rosales-
-Writes as a scientist and is not supported by available sources. Víctor Mercante and educational problems, 1890-1911-
-From the “pederast priest” to the “pedophile clergyman”. Elements for the genealogy of a biopolitical monster (Spain, 19th-21st centuries)-
-Derivations of biopolitics in the current arena: the notions of coloniality and decoloniality according to Michel Foucault-
-Celia Castro Fierro (1860-1930), pionera en el tránsito desde la afición a la profesionalización de la pintura nacional. Una mirada desde su aporte al proceso transformador de la mujer chilena durante el paso del siglo XIX al XX-
-Cultural transits in the 19th Century: musicians, painters, actors and writers on the scene of the national consolidation of the Southern Cone-
-Deconstructing the Biopolitical Monster in Latin America and Spain-
-Créditos y sumario-
-Editor's letter-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 276