Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Departamento de Sociología - DS/UCHILE - Cosecha : [1015] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 1015
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Interseccionality in the migration policies of the Community of Madrid-
-Interpretaciones inmundas de cómo la Teoría queer coloniza nuestro contexto sudaca, pobre, aspiracional y tercermundista, perturbando con nuevas construcciones genéricas a los humanos encantados con la heteronorma-
-Beatriz Preciado. Manifiesto contrasexual. Barcelona, España: Anagrama, 2011 [2000]-
-Reflections on the concept of cross-gender. Outlining a typology for analyzing empirical expressions-
-Self-Management Program for Housing (PAV): some relevant aspects when thinking about the lives of women from low-income sectors in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires-
-Senses in dispute on violence against women in public policy. The case of the law of the province of Cordoba, Argentina-
-Medea at the crossroads. Between self-affirmation and self-sacrifice: a metaphor of the female subjectivity in conflict-
-Gender, education and development: Millennium Development Goals number two and three in Latin America-
-Families, their conflicts and the role of the Administration of Justice-
-The other side of the coin: women that practise violence-
-Retrieving the experiences from two women and their partners who exercised their right to decide in Mexico City-
-Family violence and practices of the legal practitioners of criminal law: analysis of five cases of Santa Rosa, Argentina-
-Violencia Rivas. Analysis of a humoristic character: a woman FURIOUS-
-The Chicha songbook and the metaphorical transaction of feminine power. Sketch for a reflection-
-The silly cultural: musical consume and paradoxes of feminism-
-The American way of life. Changes of masculinities in Chile based on north American influence 1920-1935-
-The end of the retrograde idealization of sexuality is the magical spiral of the eternal multisexual apocalypse-
-Review album “1977”, Anita Tijoux-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 1015