Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Palabras clave : Filosofía;Marx;concealment;Social space;exploitation;surplus labour
Editorial : Universidad del Norte
Descripción : "This article aims to construct Karl Marx's concept of social space by examining a few fragments of his works with relevant terminology (space, spatial). The main result of this interpretation is the definition of social space as a suprasensible form of division between necessary labour and surplus labour, which due to private property on all means of production creates the appearance of the absence of exploitation. While in slave-holding mode of production slave is socially naturalized labour instrument, thus the division of forms of labour have only formal meaning to him/her, and in feudal mode of production the labour instrument is a nature itself, namely cropland, the division of forms of labour acquires a social character per se (social relation of labourer to means of production via wages, and socialized means of production, namely, nature (and everything else except wage labourer) subsumed under private property) only under capitalism. Unlike the established in philosophical literature concepts of social space based on Marx's theory, the definition introduced in this article is characterized by sensible-suprasensible, extraterritorial-territorial dialectics."
Otros identificadores : 1692-8857
Aparece en las colecciones: División de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - DHCS/UNINORTE - Cosecha

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