Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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dc.creatorMena García, Priscilla-
dc.creatorMonge Hernández, Carmen-
dc.creatorChavarría Briceño, Randy-
dc.descriptionLatin America presents great social and environmental challenges to sustainable human development, in which the statutory social mission associated with university outreach gains new value, relevance and priority in higher education. Currently, important questions and conceptual gaps arise in outreach efforts which involve critical and integrative content. This article shows the results of a conceptual analysis that highlight key aspects of the socio-environmental problems related to the university outreach process. The purpose of this analysis is to reflect on questions about social reality, referring to concepts such as society, environment, paradigms and social change. It is concluded that the definition of outreach is influenced by a worldview that determines the position of those who carry it out with respect to the categories it involves, which are addressed in the text and other sources, as well as the axiological and communications-related dimensions of the university as perceived by society. Adopting the vision of the critical and integrative outreach model entails a socio-political commitment of the university to making the professional and human improvement of its students a reality, responding to the altruistic ideology of the nation which this goal reflects.en-US
dc.descriptionLatinoamérica sostiene grandes desafíos sociales y medioambientales para el desarrollo humano sostenible, donde la misión social estatutaria vinculada a la extensión universitaria recobra valor, pertinencia y prioridad en la educación superior. Actualmente, surgen importantes cuestionamientos y vacíos conceptuales para alcanzar una extensión de contenido crítico e integrador. El presente artículo muestra los resultados de un análisis conceptual, los cuales destacan claves de partida de las problemáticas socio ambientales desde el proceso de extensión universitaria. La finalidad es reflexionar respecto a cuestionamientos sobre la realidad social conceptos como sociedad, entorno, paradigmas y el cambio social. Se concluyó que la definición de extensión se asume desde una cosmovisión que determina el posicionamiento de quienes la ejecutan respecto a las categorías que involucra -tratadas en el texto y otras posibles-, así como de la dimensión axiológica y comunicacional de la universidad ante la sociedad a la que se debe. Reflexionar desde la visión del modelo crítico e integrador de extensión implica el compromiso sociopolítico de la universidad de hacer realidad el mejoramiento profesional y humano de sus estudiantes y el ideario altruista de la nación a la que
dc.descriptionLatin America presents great social and environmental challenges to sustainable human development, in which the statutory social mission associated with university outreach gains new value, relevance and priority in higher education. Currently, important questions and conceptual gaps arise in outreach efforts which involve critical and integrative content. This article shows the results of a conceptual analysis that highlight key aspects of the socio-environmental problems related to the university outreach process. The purpose of this analysis is to reflect on questions about social reality, referring to concepts such as society, environment, paradigms and social change. It is concluded that the definition of outreach is influenced by a worldview that determines the position of those who carry it out with respect to the categories it involves, which are addressed in the text and other sources, as well as the axiological and communications-related dimensions of the university as perceived by society. Adopting the vision of the critical and integrative outreach model entails a socio-political commitment of the university to making the professional and human improvement of its students a reality, responding to the altruistic ideology of the nation which this goal
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional, Costa Ricaen-US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2021 Priscilla Mena García, Carmen Monge Hernández y Randy Chavarría Briceñoen-US
dc.sourceRevista ABRA; Vol 41 No 62 (2021): REVISTA ABRA (January-June); 1-25en-US
dc.sourceRevista ABRA; Vol. 41 Núm. 62 (2021): REVISTA ABRA (enero-junio); 1-25es-ES
dc.sourceRevista ABRA; v. 41 n. 62 (2021): REVISTA ABRA (Janeiro-junho); 1-25pt-BR
dc.titleConceptual approaches of categories of social reality linked to university extensionen-US
dc.titleAproximaciones conceptuales de categorías de la realidad social vinculadas a la extensión universitariaes-ES
dc.titleConceptual approaches of categories of social reality linked to university extensionpt-BR
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - UNA - Cosecha

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