Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - IdIHCS/UNLP/CONICET - Cosecha : [3017] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 501 a 520 de 3017
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-El CONICET en el marco de la última dictadura cí­vico-militar (1976-1983): entre el disciplinamiento represivo y un crecimiento diferencial-descentralizado-
-Juan Suriano, 1948 - 2018-
-The struggle of the desocupados' (unemployed workers) movements in the last years of kirchnerism. Analysis of the protest process linked to the "Argentina Trabaja" Program-
-Leading the technical areas of the Argentine State. Profiles and trajectories of civil servants linked to public work areas during Videla's government (1976-1981)-
-The territory as a confluence place. Struggles for urban habitat during the democratic recovery in Cordoba city (1982-1987)-
-Empresarios entre dictaduras. Prácticas, imaginarios y la agenda de la corporación empresarial para un “mañana industrial” en Bahí­a Blanca (1966-1983): Prácticas, imaginarios y la agenda de la corporación empresarial para un “mañana industrial” en Bahí­a Blanca (1966-1983)-
-The “Plan Austral” and the rise of “adjustment’s consensus” during the democratic transition-
-Political capital structure of National MPs from Buenos Aires Province (1999-2015)-
-“There was a time that was beautiful” : a review of the relationship between “rock nacional” , market and politics-
-Strengthen muscles to improve the race. Eugenic discourses about body education in pedagogical journals of Argentina and Brazil (1920-1940)-
-Argentine Folkloric Association: an "antidote" for mass culture on a regional scale (1938-1942)-
-A new muddy right: PRO management profiles around the social issue of the city of Buenos Aires (2007-2015)-
-Encouraging heresy, fighting against dogma. Cultural debates in the cuban revolution (1959-1964)-
-A Marxist theory of trade unions? Balance plus inventory to think about workers’ organizations-
-Notes for a reading of Carlos Matus from the "development styles" debates-
-Capitalism and production of subjectivity-
-Anthropological knowledge within the framework of the Memory, Truth and Justice Process. Reflections on an experience as a "context witness" in the framework of the "Operative Independence (first part)" trial-
-State and cultural policies in Argentina. A comparative analysis between Kirchnerismo and Alianza Cambiemos (2007-2017)-
-Marxism, Peronism and vanguard. The controversy between FAR and ERP-
-“Nuestra tarea debe ser que la justa memoria sea tanto un factor de justicia como un factor que nos libere para que no quedemos presos del pasado” , entrevista a Henry Rousso-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 501 a 520 de 3017