Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - IdIHCS/UNLP/CONICET - Cosecha : [3017] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 3017
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-With men I never could": women as artists during the first decades of "national rock" in Argentina-
-Production, Sales and Consumption: Rethinking the Role of Gender in Department Stores in Buenos Aires, 1883-1930-
-Encounters and disagreements between music and gender: perspectives, new contributions and emerging challenges-
-Mexican “feminine” and feminist comics in the 20th century: from representation to self-designation: from representation to self-designation-
-Epistemic power of a located dissident feminism. An essay on experience, multiplicity and space-
-Lectura crí­tica de Scharagrodsky, Pablo (Coord.) (2016) Mujeres en movimiento. Deporte, cultura fí­sica y feminidades. Argentina, 1870-1980. Buenos Aires: Prometeo. 354 páginas-
-Lectura crí­tica de Maristany, José J. y Peralta, Jorge L. (Comp.) (2017). Cuerpos minados. Masculinidades en Argentina. La Plata: Edulp. 352 páginas-
-Lectura crí­tica de Adlbi Sibai, Sirin (2016). La cárcel del feminismo. Hacia un pensamiento islámico decolonial. México: Akal. 315 páginas-
-¿Por qué decimos “el estado es responsable” ? Algunas reflexiones en ocasión de una doble conmemoración-
-Entrevista a Josefa Ballena en el XXXII Encuentro Nacional de Mujeres en Chaco-
-Women  making  history through 200  years  of  Independence-
-Indissoluble marriage and patriarchal family, pillars of anti-communist struggle. The crusade perspective and its transition to "Tradition, Family and Property" in the sixties-
-Comparison of the forms of government of prostitution in Madrid and Buenos Aires: from abolition to prohibitionism-
-Women ´s movements and feminisms in the Arab world-
-Lectura crí­tica de Correa, Sonia y Pecheny, Mario. (2016). Abortus Interruptus. Polí­tica y reforma legal del aborto en Uruguay. Montevideo: MYSU. 106 páginas-
-Lectura crí­tica de González, Manuela Graciela (comp.). (2016). Violencia contra las mujeres, discurso y justicia. La Plata: EDULP. 390 páginas-
-Labor, Family and Gender: precarious living conditions, and unionization in household heads of conjugal families in Chile-
-Abortion in National Congress: The legal projects of conservative and religious activism in deputy (Argentina, 2004- 2014)-
-Fierro’s female authors. An approach to the "minas" they draw in a Argentine comic magazine from the '80s-
-Non- punishable abortion. Medical-juridical and bioethical arguments  in Argentina in the end of 20th  century-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 3017