Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto Académico Pedagógico de Ciencias Sociales - IAPCS/UNVM - Cosecha : [286] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 286
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Identity and territory: Strategies and limits for the political subject construction in Putos Peronistas-
-Actuality of Malvinas Islands in the Latin American context-
-Race, Indigenous Movements and Other forms of democracy. Or a possible way to decolonize the racial brand-
-Chile, a neoliberal society in rebellion (2019)-
-COVID-19: first 100 days of the communication policy by the Argentinean government-
-Presentación Dossier: “Conflictividades de género y generacionales en la América Latina del siglo XXI”-
-Reseña: Greco, M. (2019). Responsabilidades y resistencias. Memorias de vecinos de la dictadura. Villa María: Eduvim, pp. 390-
-The art scene and the counter-scene of the market: ambivalence, body and subjectivity-
-Argentina: imperialist strategy and the may crisis-
-Presentation to translation: “Argentina: The imperialist strategy and the May crisis”-
-Contributions of Marxist feminism to think about the Argentine feminist and women's movement in the face of neoliberal rationality:: a reading by Silvia Federici and Rita Segato-
-Living the crisis in Latin America.: Comparative Study between Jiutepec, State of Morelos, Mexico and the City of Villa María, Province of Córdoba, Argentina, 2001-2018-
-Cooperatives and mutuals in the current situation: demands and debates in the "Panel of Expectations of Experts in Cooperatives and Mutuals" (2016-2017)-
-APRA, an alternative Latin American project to positivist ideas about the destiny of Latin American society-
-Foreign Policy Argentina: historical insertion and current discussion.: Foreign policy of Nestor Kirchner (2003 - 2007)-
-Los pánicos morales en torno al mercado del sexo: Reflexiones en torno al discurso abolicionista de las organizaciones antitrata de la Provincia de Córdoba-
-Agribusiness in Argentina: Review of the Marcos Juárez case in the heart of the “pampa humeda”-
-Reservorios documentales de Villa María: Archivos públicos y privados-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 286