Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología - UCM - Cosecha : [4968] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 4968
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Analysis of Western Graphics Elements in the Glyphs of Colonial Central Mexican Codices: The Case of Spanish Anthroponyms-
-Around the Origin of the Images in the Veintena Section of the "Primeros Memoriales" by fray Bernardino de Sahagún-
-The Process of Elaboration of the Codices "Borgia" and "Vaticano B" based on the Codicological Study-
-El «aire» o "yeyecatl" entre los nahuas de Texcoco: notas etnográficas sobre una fuerza volátil, patógena y asociada al diablo-
-19ª Conferencia Maya Europea, 2014: «Maya Cosmology, Terrestrial and Celestial Landscapes»-
-V Simposio Internacional sobre Códices del Centro de México-
-The Colors of the Pre-Hispanic Codices from Central Mexico: Material Characterization, Plastic Qualities and Aesthetic Values-
-Interethnic Relationships at San José Fort (Patagonia, 18th Century). A Comparative Approach-
-Gardens, Chacras, and Sementeras. Cultivated Plants and their Participation in Cultural Developments in Central Chile-
-Sketch for a Scheme: Domestication and Early Agriculture at the Argentinean Northwest-
-The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in "Mapuzungun" under the Shadow of "Az Mapu"-
-Variabilidad en las trayectorias de adopción de la agricultura en el sur de Sudamérica-
-Standardization in the Pre-Columbian Pottery from El Caño, Panama: Specialization, Productivity and Consumption-
-«List of Places and Villages Where to Extract Cochineal in the City of Cholula» (Mexico, 1600). Scope and Content-
-Savages and Chichimecs: European Myths of Alterity in the Sources of New Spain-
-A Dialogue with Europe, a Dialogue with the Past. Ancestors and Tradition among the Colonial Nahua Nobility-
-Interactions between Societies and Plants during the Mid-Late Holocene in the Northern Area of Rio de la Plata (Uruguay)-
-Changes and Stays Around the Agricultural Dispersion Process in the Central Hills of Argentina-
-Human Demography and Domestic Plants in Central Western Argentina: Exploring Trends in Radiocarbon Dates-
-Identificación de concha de bivalvo (Spondylidae) asociada a un entierro del Periodo Formativo Medio en el valle de Mascota, Jalisco, México-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 4968