Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 541 a 560 de 606
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
3PPArgentina.pdf.jpg2006ArgentinaBorón, Atilio; Gak, Abraham L.; Lozano, Claudio
2Introduccion7.pdf.jpg2006IntroducciónElías, Antonio
34Chapter27.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 27. Bridging digital divides. Lessons learned from the IT initiatives of the Grameen Bank in BangladeshKrishna, Vijay; Malaviya, Prashant; Rogers, Everett M.; Singhal, Arvind; Svenkerud, Peer J.
35Chapter28.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 28. Theatre for Development in AfricaKamlongera, Christopher F.
tapia2.pdf.jpg2009Pensando la democracia geopolíticamenteTapia, Luis
32Chapter25.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 25. Young voices travel far: a case study of Scenarios from AfricaEnger, Daniel; Winskell, Kate
31Chapter24.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 24. SiMchezo! magazine. Community media making a differenceFuglesang, Minou
33Chapter26.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 26. Communication functions in an evolving context of rural developmentRamírez, Ricardo
24Chapter18.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 18. ‘We were nobody, we were nothing’: art, communications and memories of underdevelopmentMaharaj, Sarat; Tawadros, Gilane
30chapter23.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 23. From the Sandinista revolution to telenovelas: the case of 'Puntos de Encuentro'Rodríguez, Clemencia
26Chapter19.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 19. Miners’ radio stations. A unique communication experience from BoliviaGumucio Dagron, Alfonso
27Chapter20.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 20. The citizen, media and social change in NamibiaKivikuru, Ullamaija
29Chapter22.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 22. Radio in Afghanistan: socially useful communications in wartimeAdam, Gordon
28Chapter21.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 21. Missed opportunities in post-war BosniaKurspahic, Kemal
olive.pdf.jpg2009Pluralismo epistemológicoAguiluz Ibargüen, Maya; Antezana J., Luis H.; Gil, Mauricio; Navia Romero, Wálter; Olivé, León; Puchet, M.; Salazar de la Torre, Cecilia; Santos, Boaventura de Sousa; Suárez, Hugo José; Tapia, Luis; Valencia García, Guadalupe
22Chapter16.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 16. The information society: visions and realities in developing countriesRao, Madanmohan
23Chapter17.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 17. Assessing ICT in development: a critical perspectiveGranqvist, Manne
17Chapter11.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 11. From NWICO to global governance of the information societyCarlsson, Ulla
14Chapter9.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 9. Entertainment-education in development communication. Between marketing behaviours and empowering peopleTufte, Thomas
13Chapter8.pdf.jpg2005Chapter 8. Communication for empowerment. The practice of participatory communication in developmentCadiz, Maria Celeste H.
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 541 a 560 de 606