Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - PPGS/UFSCar - Cosecha : [614] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 261 a 280 de 614
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Bodies that no longer exist: biographical narratives over body transformations and new ways of living-
-Notes on the possibilities of a sociology of disability-
-Who writes for disability in Brazilian Social Theory?-
-The criminality decline and the transformation of urban life in North American cities-
-Documents of the stateless: the materiality of migration journeys between regulated mobility and subversions of mobile subjects-
-Independent Living for Disabled People: from individualism to self-determination-
-Sewing machines in one' s luggage: the materiality of Bolivia-Brazil migratory mobilities-
-Transnacional objects circulation and social reproduction involving senegalese migrants-
-Participation in transition in Brazil: a reinterpretation-
-The Anthropocene and the humanities-
-“Strangers” and “us”: migratory movements under the lenses of Zygmunt Bauman-
-Made in Yiwu: rotas comerciais e agenciamentos migratórios-
-Installing a Biography: The Intertwined Pathway of a Last Address Memorial Plaque in Post-Soviet Russia-
-Cidadania religiosa e movimentos antigênero na Câmara dos Deputados brasileira: uma análise dos discursos de legisladores/as, 2014-2017 / Religious citizenship and anti-gender movements in the Brazilian lower chamber: an analysis of legislative speeches, 2014-2017-
-Religião, direitos humanos e política: balanço das temáticas e pesquisas / Religion, human rights and politics: an assessment of themes and research-
-Me too e a quebra do silêncio / Me Too and the silence breaking-
-Rural youth dynamics in the participatory processes of Youth Conferences (2015): the case of the youth of Mato Grande Territory-
-Entre desejos: Carmen Miranda e a circulação internacional das performances / Between desires: Carmen Miranda and the international circulation of performances-
-The crisis of the left as the structural crisis of the modern commodity production system-
-Capitalismo por projetos e crítica artística: incorporação, renovação e resistência no movimento Teatro de Grupo / Project capitalism and artistic criticism: incorporation, renewal and resistance in the Group Theater movement-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 261 a 280 de 614