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dc.contributor.authorAnt, Clara-
dc.contributor.authorBelchior, Miriam-
dc.contributor.authorCampelo, Tereza-
dc.contributor.authorCarneiro, Ricardo-
dc.contributor.authorDowbor, Ladislau-
dc.contributor.authorDweck, Esther-
dc.contributor.authorElias, Luiz Antônio-
dc.contributor.authorFarias, Lindbergh-
dc.contributor.authorFerreira, Juca-
dc.contributor.authorGenoíno, José-
dc.contributor.authorGomes, Gerson-
dc.contributor.authorGomes, Nilma Lino-
dc.contributor.authorHaddad, Fernando-
dc.contributor.authorHenrique, Artur-
dc.contributor.authorHoffmann, Gleisi-
dc.contributor.authorMantega, Guido-
dc.contributor.authorMartins, Fernanda-
dc.contributor.authorMartins, José Eduardo-
dc.contributor.authorMattoso, Jorge-
dc.contributor.authorMello, Guilherme-
dc.contributor.authorMessias, Jorge-
dc.contributor.authorMolina, Danilo-
dc.contributor.authorMorales, Renata Santos de-
dc.contributor.authorMoreira, Juvandir-
dc.contributor.authorOliva, Aloízio Mercadante-
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, Eleonora Menicucci de-
dc.contributor.authorPadilha, Alexandre-
dc.contributor.authorPaim, Henrique-
dc.contributor.authorPinto, Heider-
dc.contributor.authorPinto, Márcio Percival Alves-
dc.contributor.authorPochmann, Marcio-
dc.contributor.authorRodrigues, João Paulo-
dc.contributor.authorRossetto, Miguel-
dc.contributor.authorRossi, Pedro-
dc.contributor.authorRousseff, Dilma-
dc.contributor.authorSader, Emir-
dc.contributor.authorSimões, Renato-
dc.contributor.authorTolmasquim, Maurício Tiomno-
dc.contributor.authorZero, Marcelo-
dc.description.abstractIt is used to say that the first victim of a war is the truth. In fact, in a war in the strict sense or in a political war, the murder of the truth and the concealment of the facts occur profusely. It is not different in Brazil. Democracy was neither the first nor the only victim of the parliamentary coup (a.k.a. impeachment) in 2016. It was also the truth. Before the coup, and to justify it, anti-people and anti-national forces broadcasted, to exhaustion, a series of lies about the governments of the Workers Party (PT). The coup forces that assaulted Brazil want to make tabula rasa of this legacy, hiding the facts to the population and destroying the extraordinary accomplishments of this virtuous historical period. Therefore, this work is an outline to reveal and analyze this legacy. Not only to show what was done in the past, but principally to reveal what can be done in the future, as well. We are convinced that if Brazil overcomes the coup, the destruction of the State and of the world of work by their extremely regressive measures, and promotes a new cycle of development, the basis for such improvement should be based on the legacy of the governments of the PT. The presentation of Dilma Rousseff-
dc.format.extent130 p.-
dc.publisherFundação Perseu Abramo-
dc.subjectAcción política-
dc.subjectDerechos humanos-
dc.subjectPensamiento crítico-
dc.subjectPensamiento social-
dc.subjectPT - Partido de los Trabajadores-
dc.titlePT governments : a legacy for the future-
Aparece en las colecciones: Secretaría Ejecutiva

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