Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Red Iberoamericana de Pedagogía - REDIPE - Cosecha : [1613] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 1613
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Didactology, biopower and biopolitics in the teaching and learning of foreign languages in Colombia: a critical approach to the common european framework of reference for languages-
-The general theory of systems a relational bridge between rhizomatic and complex thinking in the inference of the rural curriculum-
-Family and educational center: Perception of school principals-
-Global skills in public accountancy: a vision for the internationalization of the curriculum-
-Curriculum and Didactology-
-Becoming an educator: The case of former CONAFE educational figures-
-Afflictive emotions in distance education in nursing students-
-Ethics against the other as learning-
-Solidarity economy and comprehensive rural development in the municipality of Pauna Boyacá. From public policy to peasant cultural policy 2022.-
-Ethics, an indispensable variable in the Man - Machine equation-
-Critical thinking, science, and creativity a strong trinomial.-
-Evaluation, learning and context-
-The teaching of philosophy and its contribution to critical thinking-
-Association of psychosocial factors with the violation of rights in members of the LGBTI community of the city in Tunja-
-Systematic review of studies on the effect of iron deficiency anemia on cognitive development in children-
-The building comprehensive didactic and the processes of reading and writing in the university.-
-Pehuajó solidarity network as a link for a pedagogy of solidarity and otherness between formal and informal education-
-Adaptation, facing the impacts of climate change-
-Solidarity economy and comprehensive rural development in the municipality of Pauna Boyacá. From public policy to peasant cultural policy 2022-
-Undergraduates and digital appropriation: Centennials in social sciences-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 1613