Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores Urbano Regionales - ACIUR - Cosecha : [560] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 560
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-An Urban Heritage Assessment with Panoramio, a Big-Data source. A Study of Downtown Bogotá-
-“While the Network Pipe does Arrive, the Water doesn’t”. Towards a Political Ecology of Water in Chaco Salteño, Argentina-
-Agrarian Total Income in the Neoliberal City. Recovery of Railway Infrastructures, Plundering of Public Properties and Urbanization in the Argentina of the Soybean-
-Gender Perspective in Urban and Socio-Environmental Studies: A Comparative Analysis of Graduate Programs at FLACSO Ecuador-
-Urbanization in Ecuador and the Importance of State Planning in Creating an Intermediate City (2007-2017): The Case of Milagro-
-Editorial Territorios 43-
-This article aims to contribute to the reflection on the diversity of collective action processes in urban contexts, in this case located in realities, processes, dynamics, and socio-territorial experiences of the city of Medellín. It is expected to contribute to the understanding and up¬dated reflection on contemporary urban social movements, their practices and struggles in the production of more humane, dignified and inclusive cities, which for the case studied could unveil alternative planning and territorial construction proposals with a plausible articulation to institutionalized proposals. The reader will find a synthesis of the research that supports the document, followed by an approach to the relationship between urban policy and collec¬tive action in the city of Medellín, as well as to social movements and the analyzed actions of territory defense. Finally, some conclusions on the subject are presented.-
-¿And What About the Environment? Local Social Representations and Practices in Informal Settlements Framed in the Court Case for the Sanitation of the Matanza Riachuelo Basin in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires-
-Food Production, Commercialization and Consumption Alternatives Experiences in the covid-19 Pandemic Context-
-Challenges in territorial planning for the water supply of the urban agglomeration-Manizales-Villamaría.-
-Social Innovation and Learning Communities in the Teaching of Urban Planning. Contributions by the Tucuman Metropolitan Observatory (Argentina)-
-A Territory that Speaks to the School. The Experience of the Educational Expedition in Neiva-
-Salvador de Bahia: Cultures of Rebellion and Decolonization of Education in a Biolopitical Context of Inequal Urban Development-
-Intensive Fieldwork Experiences as a Pedagogical Tool for Heritage Conservation in Marginalized Cities-
-The Rural School, a Socially Constructed Space of Possible Territorial Resistance: Views of the Territory from the Role of a Rural Teacher-
-Curricular Integration: Articulation Between Educational Institutions, Local Agents and Young Citizens of La Argentina de Pocora, Limón, Costa Rica-
-A Critical Review in University Teaching of Architecture. The Case of UNAM, Mexico and UNCUYO, Argentina-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 560