Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut - IAI - Cosecha : [2140] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 2140
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Dialogues Between History and Archeology: Teotihuacan, Pre-Hispanic Metropolis and Viceregal Cacicazgo-
-Perspectives of the cultural heritage of the Ancash region: the MERASA consortium and the potential for dissemination of knowledge in post-conflict environments-
-The ‘woman that clean’: a critical-constructive revision of the intercultural interpretation in the urban markets of Cuenca (Azuay, Ecuador)-
-A contribution to ethnobotany in the Cordillera Blanca (Sierra de Ancash)-
-Space, Time and Documents: Land Titles and the Communication Network Between the Pueblos de Indios of Yucatan-
-Martín Justiniano (1948-2010) and the archaeology of Ancash-
-Nakedness and embarrassment among the pre-Hispanic Nahua-
-Heritage tourism, identity and development in Peru-
-Meeting at the laboratory: The actor-network theory and the Pilaga music scene-
-Networks of Communication and Conformation of Maya Political Spaces (17th-21st Centuries). Introduction to the Dossier-
-Lost in Translation: Networks of (In)Communication in the Consultation of the Maya Communities on the Sowing of Transgenic Soy in Mexico-
-On the 'Chasquis' of New Spain: The Participation of the Indians in the Mobilization of Mail and the Reform of the Postal Service of New Spain (1764-1780)-
-Two Worlds or One? Political Spaces, Communication and Ethnicity in Yucatan Before and During the Caste War-
-Diversification and Competition of Networks in the Construction of Autochthonous Political-Territorial Projects in Chiapas-
-The Wax Cylinders engraved by Carl Lumholtz in 1898-
-Epistolary Exchanges and Conformation of Maya Supra-Communitarian Political Spaces in 16th Century Yucatan-
-Local Elections and the Creation of New Political Spaces in Yucatan, 1786-1829-
-Indigenous Communities and Migration in Colonial Yucatan-
-The current situation in Ancash as a reflection of the history of the Peruvian language policy-
-Excavations at the archaeological complex of Rapayán (Ancash, Peru): Results and interpretations-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 2140