Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
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Título : Claudia López (2016): ¡Adiós a las FARC! ¿Y ahora qué?: Construir ciudadanía, estado y mercado para unir las tres Colombias
Palabras clave : state building;territorial peace;Colombia
Editorial : Critical Reviews on Latin American Research
Critical Reviews on Latin American Research - CROLAR
Descripción : During the last year of the Havana negotiations, she published this book, which is based on her doctoral thesis. In it, López suggests a plan for the post-conflict state building with the following strategies: strengthening the institutional presence of the State, generating local markets that ensure resources for the regions and empowering citizens. The book can then be understood as a detailed evaluation of public policies of pacification, intervention and decentralization between 1982 and 2010, which serves as support for proposing a series of reforms in order to correct the causes that give rise and continuation to the armed conflict.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LAI/ZI Lateinamerika-institut) - IEL - Cosecha

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