Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : A Diagnosis About Unidentified Corpses as a Product of the Armed Conflict, Registered and Buried in Cemeteries of The Western Region of Antioquia
Un diagnóstico sobre cadáveres sin identificar (nn) producto del conflicto armado, registrados e inhumados en cementerios del oriente antioqueño
Palabras clave : Anthropology;unidentified bodies;armed conflict in the Western region of Antioquia;forced disappearance of people;social research;violent deaths;antropología;cadáveres no identificados (N.N);conflicto armado en el Oriente antioqueño;desaparición forzada de personas;investigación social;muertes violentas;NNs. Anthropology;unidentified bodies;armed conflict in the Western region of Antioquia
Editorial : Universidad San Buenaventura
Descripción : This article shows the results of the research entitled “West, an Unburried Memory, a Road for the Identification of Missing People in the Western Region of Antioquia.” Where it is shown a qualitative and quantitative diagnosis, which is a pioneering diagnosis in Colombia, as far as it is known, about the conditions of the registration and final disposal of unidentified corpses in cemeteries, within a range period of time, from January 1985 to June 2008, in order to bring the historic and social situation of this issue to light. This research aims at giving an account of the phenomenon of the forced disappearance of people, and it proposes a set of adequate practices with unidentified corpses, to be taken into account in parochial offices and in cemeteries. As well, it provides some elements for the construction of a culture of peace.
Resumen:este artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación “Oriente, Memoria Desenterrada, un Camino para la Identificación de Personas Desaparecidas en el Oriente Antioqueño”, donde se presenta un diagnóstico cualitativo y cuantitativo pionero en Colombia, hasta donde se conoce, sobre las condiciones del registro y disposición final de cadáveres no identificados (NNs) en cementerios, con una delimitación temporal de enero de 1985 hasta junio de 2008, con el ánimo de sacar a la luz la situación histórica y social de esta problemática. La exploración apunta finalmente a dar cuenta del fenómeno de la desaparición forzada de personas; propone un conjunto de prácticas adecuadas con cadáveres no identificados, a ser tenidas en cuenta en los despachos parroquiales y en los cementerios. Así mismo aporta elementos para la construcción de una cultura de paz.Abstract:This article shows the results of the research entitled “West, an Unburried Memory, a Road for the Identification of Missing People in the Western Region of Antioquia.” Where it is shown a qualitative and quantitative diagnosis, which is a pioneering diagnosis in Colombia, as far as it is known, about the conditions of the registration and final disposal of unidentified corpses in cemeteries, within a range period of time, from January 1985 to June 2008, in order to bring the historic and social situation of this issue to light.This research aims at giving an account of the phenomenon of the forced disappearance of people, and it proposes a set of adequate practices with unidentified corpses, to be taken into account in parochial offices and in cemeteries. As well, it provides some elements for the construction of a culture of peace.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Kavilando - Cosecha

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