Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva - CEIC - Cosecha : [100] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 100
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-To think the media overflows of the conflict: the cities-neighborhoods like a symptom of the current urban trend of social-segregation-
-In the fence. The precarious bodies in the city of Córdoba after the Argentine crisis of 2001-
-The Silent War in the World of Call Centers-
-Foods policies and commensality in the avance of the soya frontier-
-Franklin, Bruce H (2010). War Stars. Guerra, ciencia ficción y hegemonía imperial. Buenos Aires: Final Abierto. Franklin, Bruce H (2009). Vietnam y las fantasías norteamericanas. Buenos Aires: Final Abierto.-
-Herrero Racionero, Paloma (2010). Del comer al nutrir. La ignorancia ilustrada del comensal moderno. Madrid: Plaza y Valdés.-
-Time and sustainable relations in urban spaces-
-The structures of modern life world against globalization. A reading from the sociology of J. Habermas and A. Giddens-
-Bodies and emotions policies among agents involves in the collective actions at the city of Villa María-
-Introduction: Readings around the corporalities and sensitivities in the post-2001 Argentina-
-Bastida, Patricia, Rodríguez, Carla (eds.), Carrera, Isabel (coord.), (2010). Nación, diversidad y género. Perspectivas críticas. Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial-
-García Selgas, Fernando J., Casado Aparicio, Elena (2010). Violencia en la pareja: género y vínculo. Madrid: Talasa Ediciones-
-Contextualization of the meaning of intercultural education through a comparative perspective: United States, Europe and Latin America.-
-Nationalization of interest, daily situations and local narratives: from international border to cultural boundaries in a Pyrenean region-
-The social from the ethnomethodological perspective-
-The community according to Max Weber: from the ideal type of the Vergemeinschaftung up to the community of the soldiers-
-From the dissolution to recreation of community. A counterpoint between Max Weber and François Perroux.-
-Rationalization and community building in the economic sphere. The shades of individualism in Weber's theory of modernity-
-Community and meaning in contemporary sociological theory: A. Giddens and J. Habermans' proposals-
-The sterile community. The appeal to community as a form of social description-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 100