Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Grupo Interdisciplinario de Estudios Críticos y de América Latina. Universidad de Alicante - GIECRYAL - Cosecha : [130] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 130
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-La potestad del territorio frente a la eventualidad del retorno sobrevenido. Inmigrantes ecuatorianos como agentes activos en el desarrollo de la provincia de Alicante-
-Women’s work in Granada during the 19th and 20th centuries: the public washing places and laundry women of the Darro and Genil rivers-
-Application of the Hydrogeomorfological Index (IHG) in the Segura´s cuenca: embalse de la Fuensanta-Llano de la Vida (Taibilla´s river Mouth) | Aplicação do Índice Hidrogeomorfológico (IHG) na Segura cuenca: pacote da Fuensanta-Llano de la Vida (Descarga do rio Taibilla)-
-L'agricultura com a motor de desenvolupament local de Pego (Alacant). Possibles alternatives-
-Trade and scalability of an agroecological food system. The experiences of Shashe Agroecology School and Agroecological Sample of Zaragoza | Comércio e escalabilidade de um sistema agro-ecológico de alimentos. As experiências da Escola de Agroecologia da Shashe e a Amostra Agroecológica de Zaragoza-
-The offices of water in the Modern Granada according to the Ordinances of the City of 1552: Water Administrator and other officers | As profissões da água na Granada Moderna de acordo com as Ordenanças da Cidade de 1552: o Gestor de Água e outros oficiais-
-La irregularitat temporal de les precipitacions a Catalunya-
-Territorial critical nodes in Ecuador: dynamics, changes and limits of the State’s territorial reconfiguration-
-Underground dwellings and seismic risk-
-Civil society and democracy: an approach to debate from capital and political culture-
-Urban parkization as a tool to urban regeneration and industrial reconversion in Gijón-
-Geopolitical scope of the border delimitation between Nicaragua and Colombia set by the International Court of Justice in November 2012-
-The generation of social capital around the industrial tourism in destinations of Catalonia and Scotland-
-How does a geography memorable teacher train to think critically?-
-Territorialities peasant in the types of rural settlements of the Território Cantuquiriguaçu, Paraná state, Brazil-
-The loss of ancestral crops and traditional customs in the rural environment of the province of Alicante-
-Techniques and habits for the subject of History in Secondary and A Level-
-Historics centers: analysis and perspectives from Geography-
-The impact of the Hondo Natural Park in local development Catral (Alicante)-
-Huerta Alicante: loss of a cultural landscape-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 130