Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones - IMANI/UNAL - Cosecha : [277] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 277
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The Isolated Indigenous People of the Brazil-Peru Border: New Threats and Challenges-
-Indian Frontiers of Latin America: from Marginalization to Integration. Nation, Ethnic Groups and Neo-Liberalization Two Hundred Years after Independence-
-Natural Borders? Modernist Geopolitics and Environmental Ecopolitics in Awá Territory: Bios and Thanatos on the Margin-
-Indigenous Peoples, Frontiers and Nation-States: Historical-Anthropological Reflections from the Brazil-Colombia-Peru and Brazil-France Borders-
-Talking about teaching and learning mathematics in indigenous schools-
-Two Cultural Myths from the Upper Amazon: Tales of a Humanized World-
-Chimalapas, una frontera móvil en el sur de México-
-Two Jews and a Christian Drink Yajé at the Maloca (Spanish)-
-Ashéninka Ethnobotany, Between “Tradition” and “Modernity”: What does Plant Knowledge Mean?-
-Intercultural Interpretations about Concepts of Nutrition: Body Formation among the Tikuna Indians of the Colombian Amazon Trapeze-
-Bioprospection in Brazil and Mexico, a new El Dorado?: Between the Instability of Practices and the Permanence of Representations-
-Amerindian handicraft and notion of tradition in french Guyana: Toward a new terminology-
-Crafting inclusive value chains: a comparison of two cases of biotrade in South America-
-The Border in the Urban Space: Expessions of the Limit Between Leticia (Colombia) and Tabatinga (Brasil)-
-Nominal Incorporation in Parkatêjê: Syntatic or Lexical Process?-
-Review of Las Nuevas Tribus y los indígenas de la Amazonia. Historia de una presencia protestante, por Gabriel Cabrera Becerra. Bogotá: Lito Camargo, 2007.-
-Educando en la diversidad: investigaciones y experiencias educativas interculturales y bilingües, por María Bertely, Jorge Gasché y Rosanna Podesta (coords.). Quito y México: Editorial Abya Yala y CIESAS, 2008. 494 pp.-
-The Eleven Moons of Rember Yahuarcani-
-Entre mortales e inmortales: El ser según los ticuna de la Amazonía, por Jean Pierre Goulard. Lima: CAAAP-IFEA, 2009. 458 pp.-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 277