Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones - IMANI/UNAL - Cosecha : [277] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 277
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Reseña de "Sociedade e improviso. Estudo sobre a (des)estrutura social dos índios makú" (J. Pozzobon, 2011)-
-Mambe Mania: A Green, Green Night in The Solitude-
-Mambe in urban contexts, or the production of new forms of consumption-
-Indian management of the Global World: the case of Yahuarcaca tikuna-
-Editorial: Anastasia Candre and other indigenous creators-
-Review of Jiaño Nokɨkuriño – El Verano y la Lluvia: mito de la nación uitota (López, Yahuarcani & Yahuarcani, 2014)-
-I dream of having a large truck to put everybody inside and spend a month in one village, another month in another, to create a collective culture-
-In this way it was begun to teach, to get the figure of what is known-
-Art and transformation: Experiences and images of the artists of the ¡Mira! Exhibition-
-My painting aims to arrive to the texture of the stone, of a tree, or of the water-
-We learn by listening to those who know: that is all my inspiration-
-The ayahuasca gives you your art-
-I want to return to the Muyuna, the whirlpool of my origins-
-The observation of everyday life-
-Prayer for Roberto Franco-
-I have painted about how the beings can transform themselves-
-The rivers of our memory-
-I keep turning the sound into being-
-When those new branches grow, I will also be healed-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 277