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dc.creatorNorma Pareja Sánchez-
dc.descriptionThis paper has like objective to analyze the landscape of new spaces in which political propaganda has poured in the process of presidential succession of 2012 in its first stage. The new arenas of propaganda elements correspond to macro-genre fiction, specifically television, it was left out of considerations of the Electoral Reform 2007-2008. The most recent amendments to the electoral legal framework focused on regulating the flow of political communication of political parties and the others, prohibiting them buy advertising space, giving the Federal Electoral Institute the power to manage the times determined by state law specifically in the form of spots. In this context, we present evidence that different political actors build political and electoral content is broadcast in soap operas and other television series of domestic manufacture, naturalizing the political messages in the speech and visual pattern, in order to reach large segments of the public and seeking to materialize it in the configuration of the vote in the 2012 elections.-
dc.publisherUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México-
dc.rightsRevista Mexicana de Opinión Pública-
dc.sourceRevista Mexicana de Opinión Pública (México) Num.12-
dc.subjectComunicación Política-
dc.subjectproceso electoral 2012-
dc.subjectReforma electoral-
dc.subjectficción televisiva-
dc.titleLos nuevos espacios de la comunicación política en el proceso electoral de 2012 en México. La ficción televisiva y la Reforma Electoral de 2007-2008-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas - IIEc/UNAM - Cosecha

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