Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Departamento de Ciencia Política - DCP/UNAL - Cosecha : [633] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 501 a 520 de 633
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Educating for peace: a study from the rural educational institutions of the Sarna Páramo in Boyacá, Colombia-
-The legal protection of underwater cultural heritage: comparative study of legislation with reference to the galleon San Jose-
-Conciliation in Family Law as a tool to build peace-
-Transamerica or the right to be who one is (looks from the cinema)-
-Paz territorial y paz pedagógica en Colombia: reflexiones y cavilaciones sobre la paz y la guerra, a tres años de los acuerdos-
-Beginning of the teaching of the public administration in Colombia, 1826-
-Maximun Price Fixing and selective distribution: a preliminary approach-
-Addressing Coloniality in Occidental Environmental Law-
-Material Absence of Equality of Means in the Present Accusatory Penal Sistem.-
-History of criminal law in the American Viceroyalty of the Monarchy of Spain and the Indies (1519-1825)-
-Prioritization, contexts and macrocriminality patterns: investigation’ strategy in the framework of the transitional justice in colombia-
-An idea of justice: State, post-individualist and post-liberal rights-
-Rethinking “compound elections” from an interest-based negotiation approach-
-Can Congress reform the constitutional configuration of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace? towards a theory about the implicit limits of the power of constitutional reform in political transitions.-
-Implementation of the extractivist development model in Colombia: questions from the environmentalist criticism-
-Between the justice and laws; Exceptions to the due process.-
-The minimum wage really guarantee the fundamental right to the minimum vital and mobile remuneration? Wage reform proposal for a minimum wage just and economically viable-
-Overview of legal needs within mediation and arbitration centers in Colombia-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 501 a 520 de 633