Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Departamento de Ciencia Política - DCP/UNAL - Cosecha : [633] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 633
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Rivera Cusicanqui, S. (2018). Un mundo ch’ixi es posible. Ensayos desde un presente en crisis. Buenos Aires: Tinta Limón. 176 pp.-
-The Rise and Fall of Supermax: How the US Prison Model and Ultra Punitive Penal Policy Travelled to Colombia-
-Julieta Paredes: Spinning the Communitarian Feminism-
-Constitutional Patriotism and the Spanish Constitutional Debate-
-The Uruguayan Anarchist Federation (FAU) and the Intertextual Production of Latin American Anarchism-
-From Intellectuals from the Paris Circle to Indigenous Intellectuals: The Politics Field and Coloniality of Knowledge in Bolivia-
-The Private Participants in the Field of Governmental Intelligence (GI): A Short Inquiry of its Activity and Responsibility in Colombia-
-Social and Politic Problems in the Primary Link of the Apicultural Productive Chain of Colombia-
-Suzanne Roussi-Césaire: Opacity and Camouflage-
-A General Characterization of Raul Prada’s Concept of Variegation-
-Benavides-Delgado, J. (Ed.) (2018). Humor y política: Una perspectiva transcultural. Bogotá D.C.: Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, 350 pp.-
-Re-existences and Political Struggle in Latin America: A Record of Peasant/Indigenous Temporalities from the Global South-
-Community Democracy and Configuration of Political Revindications of Indigenous Governments in Latin America-
-Villaboy, S. y González, R. (2017). Dictaduras del Caribe. Estudio comparado de las tiranías de Juan Vicente Gómez, Gerardo Machado, Fulgencio Batista, Leónidas Trujillo, Los Somoza y Los Duvalier. Barranquilla: Editorial Universidad del Norte. 159 pp. DOI:
-The Philosophy of Life by Darío Botero Uribe: Origins and Legacy-
-Intimate Violence in New Granada during the Enlightenment: Conjugal Cases of the Caribbean-
-Contributions on Scientific-Technological Cooperation between Argentina and Colombia (2007-2015)-
-Between Political Sciences and Alternative Politologies: Historical Landmarks and Current Debates-
-Intersected Feminisms: Struggles for the Decriminalization of Abortion and Defense of Natural Environment in Ecuador-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 633